The Monsanto company was created in 1901 by John Francis Queeny . Named after his wife, Olga Mendez Monsanto, the name Monsanto has since, for many around the world, come to symbolize the greed, arrogance, scandal and hardball business practices of many multinational corporations. A couple of historical factoids not generally known are the fact that Monsanto was heavily involved during WWII in the creation of the first nuclear bomb for the Manhattan Project; via its facilities in Dayton Ohio. The Dayton Project was headed by Charlie Thomas, Director of Monsanto's Central Research Department, wholater became the company's president. [2], [3] Monsanto also operated a nuclear facility for the federal government in Miamisburg, Ohio, called the Mound Project, until the 1980s.
"In 1967, Monsanto entered into a joint venture with IG Farben. (The) German chemical firm that was the financial core of the Hitler regime, and was the main supplier of Zyklon-B to the German government during the extermination phase of the Holocaust."
IG Farben was not dissolved until 2003 [6]. For a short Monsanto history, see also [7], [8]. See also pharmaceutical industry.
Monsanto was the creator of several attractions in Disney's Tommorrowland . Often they revolved around the the virtues of chemicals and plastics. Their "House of the Future" was constructed entirely of plastic, but biodegradable it was not.......
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