Saturday, October 8, 2011

Anasazi Basketmaker-papers from the 1990 Wetherill-Grand Gulch symposium


Ninety seven skeletons were taken from the cave.
Many of the men showed evidence of having been killed
as spear points where found between the ribs and arrowhead
points in the back bones. One case where the hip bones were
pinned together with a huge obsidian spear point shows
no small amount of force was used to bury a point of that
size in two inches of bone- crushed heads were quite common-
one case the face was mashed in and the skull contained
an Atlatal point that had been fired in under the chin
or below as the point sticks out the top of the head-
The Mummy cut-in-two was sewn together with human hair string.
After this had gotten to a museum an Atlatal point fell out of it......

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