Sunday, June 30, 2019

Council Cave Iron County Utah

After a momentary delay...

and a brief encounter with the welcoming committee...

I will be returning to this site in the near future when time is not an issue.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

“You don't take music seriously if you wear your left ear bud in your right ear and your right ear bud in your left ear.”

First road trip in the X5 ... Cathedral Gorge (Nevada)

And what is a road trip without a shitter review ?

This master piece was built in the 1930's. It has a great view.... a pinch it would work. (no pun intended)

It's all fun and games ...

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Question: What happens when you build an Airport on clay beds ?

Answer: You rip it up and build it again...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Svffer - Lies We Live

Hope you found what you where looking for...

You once told me
You wanted to find
Yourself in the world -
And I told you to
First apply within,
To discover the world
within you.

You once told me
You wanted to save
The world from all its wars -
And I told you to
First save yourself
From the world,
And all the wars
You put yourself
Through....Bye Willie.