Struggling with its immortality, a discarded plastic bag (voiced by Werner Herzog) ventures through the environmentally barren remains of America as it searches for its maker.
Future States
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Something to think about........
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5Mtumr-2346 by Tim D. White

Excavations at a nearly 900-year-old pueblo in Colorado's Mancos Canyon in 1973 uncovered a mass of human bones bearing stark signs of violent death. Investigators noted crushed skulls, broken leg and arm bones, burned patches on some bones, and deep incisions made by sharpened stones. One team member raised the hackles of some antropologists and American Indian groups by reporting that the victims had probably been cannibalized.
A new analysis of the 2,106 pieces of bone retrieved from the Mancos site affirms that grisly conclusion. In the process, the author of the exhaustive study has reignited debate not only regarding whether prehistoric cannibalism existed, but whether scientists can, in essence, read the cannibal's "signature" in a pile of bones.
Someone -- apparently Anasazi Indians who inhabited the Mancos Canyon and other parts of the southwestern United States from A.D. 400 to A.D. 1300 -- cut up the recently deceased bodies of at least 17 adults and 12 children, cooked the pieces, and ate them, asserts anthropologist Tim D. White of the University of California, Berkeley. Damage to the skulls and neck bones indicates that decapitated heads were roasted on coals before diners cracked open the crania and removed the brains, White contends. Boiling in pots produced polished edges along some bones, and limb bones were split apart to obtain marrow, he maintains.
The Mancos bones do not represent an isolated instance of prehistoric cannibalism in the southwest, White adds. A similar pattern of damage characterizes human bones found at 18 other Anasazi sites, White concludes in Prehistoric Cannibalism at Mancos 5MTUMR-2346
Friday, April 16, 2010
Another Water Crisis Unfurling: Tar Sands Development Coming to Utah?

Much of the more than 2 million barrels of oil Canada sends south every day comes from the tar sands of the Athabasca region in Alberta. The ongoing tar sands boom in the area has been called an environmental crime of enormous proportions, and there are hints that some of the dirty processes required might be heading south as well, to the Uintah Basin in Utah.

additional information
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea

There are no naked pre-cogs inside glowing jacuzzis yet, but the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice will use analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents, putting potential offenders under specific prevention and education programs. Goodbye, human rights!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Battle for the Trees
This documentary examines the battle strategies of citizens, scientists, loggers, environmentalists and First Nations people who are fighting over the liquidation of public forests and, with it, a way of life.
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pendejo Cave sits in a mid-Permian limestone cliff overlooking Rough Canyon and the dry beds of glacial lakes that attracted herds of now-extinct elephants, bison, horses, and camels. It is 48 km south of Alamogordo, New Mexico; about 16 km to the northeast is the southern end of the Sacramento Mountains, which was the furthest southern extent of the last Wisconsin glaciation. The north-facing cave is dry and was formed by earth movement rather than stream action. The cave is 13 m deep north-south, 6 m wide, and about 8 m high. Before excavation, about 2.5 m of dry deposits covered the floor in the center of the cave. Twenty-two extremely well-defined strata were uncovered within the cave, and they yielded 72 radiocarbon dates on charcoal, wood, and other botanical remains, 60 of these determinations being in the pre-Clovis period (earlier than 11,500 years BP). Accelerator testing of the zone C2 hair, very probably human (per lateral view), yielded two radiocarbon dates--12,370 ± 80 years BP(UCR3276A) and 12,240 ± 70 years BP (UCR3276B).

Human Modification of Animal Bones
in Pre-Clovis Zones of Pendejo Cave


During the routine construction of a stock pond near Worland, Donald Colby uncovered a Clovis projectile point. In so doing, Colby found some of the earliest known evidence of human activity in Wyoming, dating to over 11,000 years old. Beginning in 1973, a team of archaeologists led by Dr. George Frison began investigating Colby’s find. Frison’s team found a total of 463 bones concentrated in two piles in a prehistoric arroyo along with several stone and bone artifacts. Among the bones were the remains of at least seven mammoths. Although some of the bones were disturbed, Frison and other researchers believe that the bone piles were the remains of meat caches. This find provides a unique glimpse into the life of the first hunters and gatherers of Wyoming. Visitors can stop at a commemorative roadside marker near the site where the mammoth remains were uncovered. To learn more about the site, stop by the Washakie Museum in nearby Worland to see an exhibit dedicated to the Colby mammoth discovery. An additional display, housing some of the Colby mammoth remains, is located at the University of Wyoming Anthropology Department Museum in Laramie.


Friday, April 9, 2010
Ancient Peoples of the American Southwest - Stephen E Plog

The American Southwest is home to some of the most remarkable monuments of America's prehistoric past, such as Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde. Visitors marvel at the impressive ruined pueblos and spectacular cliff dwellings but often have little idea of the cultures that produced these prehistoric wonders. Stephen Plog, who has spent decades working in the region, provides the most readable and up-to-date account of the predecessors of the modern Hopi and Pueblo Indian cultures in this well-received account. Ten thousand years ago, humans first colonized this seemingly inhospitable landscape with its scorching hot deserts and freezing upland areas. The initial hunter-gatherer bands gradually adapted to become sedentary village groups, and the high point of Southwestern civilization was reached with the emergence of cultures known to archaeologists as Anasazi, Hohokam, and Mogollon in the first millennium A.D. Chaco Canyon became the center of a thriving Anasazi cultural tradition. It was the hub of a trading network extending over hundreds of miles, whose arteries were a series of extraordinary roads that are still being discovered and mapped. To the south lay the settlement of Snaketown, focus of the Hohokam, where the inhabitants built courts for a ritual ball game--intriguing echoes of ancient Mexican practices. The Mogollon people of the Mimbres Valley created some of the world's finest ceramics, decorated with human figures and mythical creatures. Interweaving the latest archaeological evidence with early first-person accounts, Professor Plog explains the rise and mysterious fall of Southwestern cultures. As he concludes, despite the depredations and diseases introduced by the Europeans, the Southwest is still home to vibrant Native American communities that carry on many of the old traditions.
Mars Desert Research Station

Some scientists argue that the fate of the human species hinges upon our ability (or inability) to leave our comfortable home behind and colonize other planets. Tucked away in the San Rafael Swell of southern Utah, members of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) are preparing for exactly this type of voyage.
Mars Desert Research Station
Monday, April 5, 2010
Arizona State Museum: The Arnold and Doris Roland Wall of Pots
Established in 1893, Arizona State Museum is the oldest and largest anthropology museum in the Southwest and is the state’s official archaeological repository. The museum’s extensive collection of Southwest Indian pottery boasts more than 20,000 pieces. There are also more than 150,000 ethnographic artifacts, 3,500 comparative vertebrate skeletons and 500 Mexican folk masks.
Wall of Pots
Visitor to the Arizona State Museum can explore The Pottery Project. The Project features the Arnold and Doris Roland Wall of Pots, the Agnese and Emil Haury Southwest Native Nations Pottery Vault and an interpretive gallery. In addition to this expansive collection of 2,000 years of Native pottery-making traditions in the Southwest, there is also a fully interactive, multi-media Virtual Vault; video interviews with archaeologists and Native potters, and hands-on experiences.
Gran Quivira

At first, one encounters a soothing silence broken only by a constant breeze and the chirp of insect wings. Sparse desert flora partially hides the remains of ancient stone houses built by early American Indians who inhabited this area of central New Mexico.

Farther along the trail an excavated mound reveals the broken foundations of a large apartment house and several ceremonial kivas typical of the southwest Pueblo Indian culture. Nearby, the ruins of two mission churches attest to the presence of Spanish priests in this isolated region. The quiet remnants of the village of Las Humanas, now called Gran Quivira, only hint at the vibrant society that thrived here until the late 17th century. Today it is one of three sites that make up Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.

The Virtual Vault
Doug Gann, Center Preservation Archaeologist and Digital Media Specialist
The Center for Desert Archaeology
A joint project of the Center for Desert Archaeology and the Arizona State Museum (ASM), the Virtual Vault is a breakthrough interactive application that has the potential to transform museology and bolster the preservation of heritage objects. Based around a technologically innovative method for quickly and affordably producing photorealistic digital models of objects and structures, the Vault will “house,” or serve, digital representations of a significant portion of ASM’s whole vessel collection in an interactive exhibition setting and over the Internet.
The Vault will go far beyond static electronic exhibit modules that depict a vessel and list its type and ware designation, description, dating, and function—instead, it is being developed as a fully interactive, layered information resource. Researchers will be able to view a vessel from all angles and make accurate measurements by manipulating the model onscreen. Viewers will be able to hear curators, archaeologists, and artists share information about the pottery, and in some cases, they will be able to enter a virtual reconstruction of the landscape, site, and room where a pot was found.

Three-dimensional modeling of a Gila Butte Red on Buff Vessel, ASM No. 77-32-331. This image shows how the photo-realistic texture of the vessel is "draped" onto the underlying red wireframe model of the bowl.
Click to view a 3D model
The Center for Desert Archaeology
A joint project of the Center for Desert Archaeology and the Arizona State Museum (ASM), the Virtual Vault is a breakthrough interactive application that has the potential to transform museology and bolster the preservation of heritage objects. Based around a technologically innovative method for quickly and affordably producing photorealistic digital models of objects and structures, the Vault will “house,” or serve, digital representations of a significant portion of ASM’s whole vessel collection in an interactive exhibition setting and over the Internet.
The Vault will go far beyond static electronic exhibit modules that depict a vessel and list its type and ware designation, description, dating, and function—instead, it is being developed as a fully interactive, layered information resource. Researchers will be able to view a vessel from all angles and make accurate measurements by manipulating the model onscreen. Viewers will be able to hear curators, archaeologists, and artists share information about the pottery, and in some cases, they will be able to enter a virtual reconstruction of the landscape, site, and room where a pot was found.

Three-dimensional modeling of a Gila Butte Red on Buff Vessel, ASM No. 77-32-331. This image shows how the photo-realistic texture of the vessel is "draped" onto the underlying red wireframe model of the bowl.
Click to view a 3D model
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Indigenous Archaeology and the Pueblo Revolt

The widely held, history-book narrative of Native peoples in America is one of conquest and devastation, of Indigenous cultures long ago wiped out by acculturation, violence and disease. Michael Wilcox, author of The Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology of Conquest, finds that this narrative is a myth, and needs to be reexamined.
In fact, Native peoples repeatedly resisted conquest, in revolts that are documented in Spanish records and in Indigenous oral traditions, but omitted from history books. The Spanish accounts reveal the extent of colonial brutality, as well as how ideology served to rationalize and quiet moral conflict about their actions. And far from vanishing, Native cultures still exist today. “The presence of four and a half million Native Americans in the United States is a complete mystery to most people. There is no story that explains what they are still doing here”, said Wilcox, quoted in the Stanford Report. Rather than trying to explain the supposed disappearance of Native cultures, Wilcox asks the more interesting question of how to understand their continued presence, and how to reconcile the European conquest narrative with the Native American narrative of resistance.
Wilcox explores one of the most successful Indigenous revolts in America, the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, when Pueblo leaders expelled Spanish colonists from New Mexico in an organized attack. Dispelling the myth that Native Americans swiftly succumbed to acculturation and disease brought by Europeans, Wilcox takes an indigenous approach that explains both the continued presence of Native Americans and instances of resistance like the Pueblo Revolt. He shows how an indigenous archaeology can bridge the gap between the study of Native American cultures and the living members of those cultures. In this video from Stanford University, Wilcox discusses the Pueblo Revolt and its implications for today.
Deterring Democracy. by Noam Chomsky

Deterring Democracy shows how large the gap is between the realities of today's world and the picture that is presented to the American and world public. This portrait of the US empire of the 1980s and early 90s has been largely kept hidden from public view by a compliant and complacent media. Those who have dared to expose the truth have been branded as alarmists, agitators or Communist pawns.
Deterring Democracy
The Values We All Stand For
An argument for a change in our national symbols to include atheists by not presuming a belief in God among Americans at the level of our federal government. The goal is not necessarily immediate action, but rather to raise consciousness about where these references to God came from and why they shouldn't be a part of a government that is supposed to represent all of us.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sand Island Petroglyphs
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