Sunday, December 13, 2009

Maynard Dixon (1875-1946)

In 1939, Maynard Dixon and his wife Edith Hamlin built a summer home in Mount Carmel, Utah, where Dixon found new friends and became reacquainted with the earth. He lived near the cottonwood trees along an old irrigation ditch and took short hikes to a plateau where he loved the quiet. Dixon spent winter months in Tucson, where the couple also had a home and studio.


Dixon continued to create masterpieces – simple but powerful compositions in which non-essential elements were distilled or eliminated. In November of 1946 Maynard passed away at his winter home in Tucson. In the spring of 1947 his widow Edith brought his ashes to Mt. Carmel where she buried them on a high bluff above the art studio being built on the property. This had been at his request and she felt it a fitting tribute where friends could come to pay respects and view the land that he loved.


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