Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Molotov Folktale
well i’ve been handin’ out matches for a reason
take a look around, ’tis the fire season
cos nothin’ ever burns down by itself
every fire needs a little bit of help
pick your target, how about them factories
developments, them car lots, whatever you please
take to the night, blue, black, and gray
from where you came don’t leave the same
strike that match, light it up, let it burn
every single action could bring the storm
strike that match, light it up, let it burn
every single action could bring the storm
be prepared for anything, stay fit, straight mind
covered face, cotton gloves, running shoes, it’s time
early in the a.m., you better have a good plan
a tight crew, the right tools, know the land
know what to do if an agent knocks at your door
remember they’re the enemy, AND WE’RE AT WAR!
don’t be predictable, confusion buys time
action without measure, conditions always right
strike that match, light it up, and let it burn
every single action could bring the storm
strike that match, light it up, let it burn
every single action could bring the storm
puttin’ that bold circle A into place
desire armed insurrectionary action
strike that match, light it up, let it burn
every single action could bring the storm
strike that match, light it up, and let it burn
every single action could bring that storm
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Stones without Bones - Reconstructing The Lime Ridge Clovis Site
by Meghann M. Vance
This is an excellent paper on the Lime Ridge Clovis site in Southern Utah
A Thesis By Meghann M. Vance
People getting arrested for Selling 10 cents Lemonade at the Washington Capital
In response to a recent wave of lemonade stand shut downs and harassment of children over such petty regulations as are used to shut them down, several activist gathered at the west lawn of the capitol in Washington, DC to sell lemonade and were arrested. While the officers were technically on solid "legal" ground in shutting down the stand, they behaved inappropriately by any standard numerous times, using intimidation tactics on protestors and observers, and harassing members of the professional media. The willingness with which children and tourists participated by purchasing lemonade in disobedience of the police instructions is an indicator of how little respect the general public has for government in general, and specifically police when enforcing unjust laws. Gives me hope for America.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Mammoth and Bison rock engravings in Utah

Columbian Mammoth and Bison rock engravings have been found at the Upper Sand Island rock art site at the San Juan River in Utah, USA. The engravings appear authentic, and show rock varnish and wear indicating that they are from the end of the ice age, as well as anatomical details not commonly known to the public, and accompanying motifs in a similar previously unknown style. The rock engravings date to 13 000 - 11 000 years ago.

Utah Mammoths
Direct Action - San Francisco Peaks

“We who in engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Indigenous Action
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Selling lemonade is not a crime!

Please join us on August 20, 2011 and set up your own lemonade stand. We need to send a message to everyone who is listening. They can not shut down the kids lemonade stands. If you do not have kids or do not want to set up your own lemonade stand, please support a local kid's lemonade stand. Selling lemonade is not a crime!
Recently, we have seen many news reports of lemonade stands being shut down by police and other government workers. When kids sell things, such as lemonade, they are learning some very important lessons. They are learning about money and about being an entrepreneur. They are also learning how to be a productive member of society. They are learning about responsibility. They are participating in free and voluntary trade with willing participants. Selling lemonade is not a crime.
What To Do If Someone Tries To Shut Down Your Lemonade Stand.
*Always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.
*Ask what is the statute or regulation that gives them the authority to shut down the stand, and what are the grounds for doing so.
*Ask if the law or regulation specifically empowers them to shut down the stand or merely issue tickets for violations, especially a first violation.
*Ask the officer if there are any exceptions in the rule for businesses owned and operated by minors, or businesses that earn below a certain amount (which may be referred to in the law or regulations as “de minimus”).http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
*Ask to see the law or regulation.
*Get the officer’s name and badge number, or if not a police officer, the official’s name, agency or department, and job title.
*If possible, record the entire interaction on video (even if just a cell phone). *Please be aware of your state’s laws in regards to recording public officials. In some states it may be illegal.*
*Do not offer the officials anything (including free lemonade) to overlook the violation.
Again, always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.
Lemonade Freedom!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Meet the Machines Destroying Our Forest Fast Than Ever Before...
Rainforests have more biodiversity (by far) than any other life zone on Earth, and yet they are being cut down globally at anywhere from 560 to 9,000 acres an hour. In the U.S., where the modern logging industry has invested more in replanting trees to help guarantee timber supplies for the future (as opposed to the slash and burn degradation of forest land common in the tropics), forests today still only cover about 70 percent of their former range according to the most optimistic estimates, while only six percent of U.S. forest land is more than 175 years old. In other words, 94 percent of our current timber reserves have been axed at one point or another in our nation’s history.
But at the same time, we still need lumber to build our houses and paper to wipe our asses. Harping on the big business of logging and cattle raising – the reason the rainforest is being burned is so McDonald’s can have beef – isn’t going to stop anyone from obliterating the world’s fresh air supply and erasing 27,000 species off the planet (forever) every year. So rather than complain about the death of stately American trees and the conversion of the Amazon into low-quality grazing land for cut-rate heifers, let’s take a look at some of the bad-ass equipment loggers get to use.....
Earth liberation through ecodefense. To halt the insanity of the yellow death machines advance.
Earth Crisis, “Destroy the Machines”
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Government is going to knock down your door any second........

so you best have some Molotov cocktails and landmines handy.........
David's Tool Kit a Citizen's Guide to Taking Out Big Brother's Heavy Weapons.
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