Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Manmade Threat in the Wilds of Utah- The M-44 Sodium Cyanide Capsule

M-44s are spring-loaded devices topped with bait lures. When an animal tugs on the bait, a spring sprays sodium cyanide powder into the animal’s mouth. The cyanide turns into gas once it mixes with moisture from the mouth that is readily absorbed into the lungs. After less than two minutes, a victim of an M-44 device dies.

These animals were among 24 lions killed by the federal agency Animal Damage Control (now called Wildlife Services) in the Galiuro mountains of Arizona, a wilderness area North of Willcox. All were killed on federal lands on the Coronado National Forest over a six-month period from December 1988-May 1989. While it is uncertain whether any of these cougars ever preyed on livestock, the ostensible purpose of the killings was to protect cattle that were grazing on public lands. This type of indiscriminate lethal predator control continues in almost all of the states where mountain lions occur.


THE SKUNKS 1979 doing "Cheap Girl" at Raul's

The Sacred: Ways of Knowledge Sources of Life

At the root of Native American aboriginal concepts is the belief that the road conveys an eternal return. There is no end. At death one returns in some way to the beginning. On the path of life, when one has reached old age, one knows what one knew when one was born, but only realizes and acknowledges it for the first time. The concept is at the root of aboriginal beliefs because like the road, the "sacred" had no beginning or end. The road is continuous and never ending. ...

A terra respira (Take A Deep Breath)

Thanks Josh

State Parks Across the Southwest Facing Closure

As Utah lawmakers look to reduce spending even more in the future, they have some state parks on a possible chopping block as they explore the idea of privatizing them. Utah boasts 45 state parks

With the first wave of state park closures set to begin this week, officials are still struggling with basic questions on how to secure the vast properties.

Park closures

The following parks are scheduled to be shuttered in a series of closures beginning Monday and ending June 3. Parks with an asterisk (*) could stay open under agreements being negotiated.

Homolovi Ruins
Lyman Lake
Riordan Mansion*
Fort Verde*
Roper Lake
Yuma State Prison*
Tubac Presidio
Alamo Lake
Lost Dutchman*
Picacho Peak
Red Rock
Tonto Natural Bridge*
Tombstone Courthouse*

Sears Point Archaeological District

For thousands of years, Native Americans and historic peoples were drawn to this isolated area of black mesas along what was the Gila River. On the mesas, among rocks blazed black by the desert sun, these peoples left their marks here at Sears Point, depicting life as it once was. Sears Point is a very special area that lies at a crossroad of historical events and cultures. It embraces a wide array of archaeological sites, including rock alignments, cleared areas, intaglios, petroglyphs, and aboriginal foot trails. This fragile evidence of human history spans thousands of years with some dating to the Archaic Period. The prehistoric cultures which are believed to have utilized this archaeological district between 10,000 BCE and 1450 CE include the Desert Archaic, Patayan, and Hohokam cultures.

Petroglyphs are designs or figures which have been pecked or scratched into rock surfaces. The Sears Point area has at least two miles of basalt cliff edges that exhibit petroglyph panels. It is estimated that several thousand petroglyphs exist within the area; however, the most impressive panels can be seen from the parking area. Many different design elements have been observed on these panels, including curvilinear, rectilinear, anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, abstract, and stylistic figures. In several places, flat basalt rocks were used for petroglyphs to mark trails. Several major petrophyph panels may be associated with Native American myths and legends. The Sears Point area also has historic petroglyphs. Many of these historic names and dates have been affiliated with early trappers and "49er" gold rush groups who passed through the area between 1840 and 1860.

Shattered Faith - I Love America

Saturday, February 27, 2010


A swinging Mexican fiesta goes bad when a very hungry rotten avocado crashes the party and starts devouring the guests... Vegeterrible is a film about the last tomato's fight for survival.

In Search of the Old Ones, Exploring the Anasazi World of the Southwest

Roberts describes the culture of the Anasazi--the name means "enemy ancestors" in Navajo--who once inhabited the Colorado Plateau and whose modern descendants are the Hopi Indians of Arizona. Archaeologists, Roberts writes, have been puzzling over the Anasazi for more than a century, trying to determine the environmental and cultural stresses that caused their society to collapse 700 years ago. He guides us through controversies in the historical record, among them the haunting question of whether the Anasazi committed acts of cannibalism. Roberts's book is full of up-to-date thinking on the culture of the ancient people who lived in the harsh desert country of the Southwest.

THE DEADBEATS-Kill The Hippies

Eastern State Penitentiary

"Let the avenue to this house be rendered difficult and gloomy by mountains and morasses. Let the doors be of iron, and let the grating, occasioned by opening and shutting them, be increased by an echo that shall deeply pierce the soul."
-- Dr. Benjamin Rush, Quaker reformer, 1787

Black Hoods and Iron Gags


Friday, February 26, 2010

No Martyr - The Avengers - 1978

Sandia Cave

In a 1936 expedition in Sandia Cave, a cave in the Sandia Mountains, experienced archeologist Wesley Bliss excavated the Sandia Cave and reported his findings to University of New Mexico project head Dr. Brand. Another student Frank C. Hibben who was not involved in the initial excavation, but rather later work in the cave; he later reported to have found the famous Sandia spearpoint beneath a layer of material dating greater than 25,000 years old, along with the bones of camels, mastadons, and prehistoric horses. However the bones (carbon dating from 14,000-20,000 years ago (16,000-14,000 BCE) and together with his incacurate identification of the historical sedimentary layers and the published notes of Bliss and others in reference to the poor layer integrity and contamination associated with rodent burrowing, the supposed spearpoint from the suggested 25,000 year old sedimentary layer was erroneously reported by Hibben


Is There Evidence for a Late Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas?

Aqua Nebula Oscillator

Modern Man-Bad Religion

Modern Man

I've got nothing to say,
I've got nothing to do,
all of my neurons are functioning smoothly
yet still I'm a cyborg just like you,
I'm one big myoma that thinks,
the planet supports only me,
I've got this one problem:
will I live forever?
I've got just a short time to see,
modern man, evolutionary betrayer,
modern man, ecosystem destroyer,
modern man, destroy yourself in shame,
modern man, pathetic example of
earth's organic heritage

when I look back and think,
when I ponder and ask "why?",
I see my ancestors spend with careless abandon,
assuming eternal supply, modern man....

just a sample of carbon-based wastage,
just a fucking tragic epic of you and I


Gobekli Tepe has been dated to about 11,500 years old, and is located in Urfa, Sothern Turkey, quite close to the border with Syria. It’s believed that the temples were built by the last hunter gatherers before the conversion to agriculture. It’s quite possible the people that built these temples were the first ever wheat farmers as recent DNA analysis of modern domesticated wheat compared with wild wheat has shown that its DNA is closest in structure to wild wheat found in a mountain (Karacadağ) 20 miles away from the site, leading one to believe that this is where modern wheat was first domesticated. Domesticated rye 13,000 years old has been found just to the South in Syria, and the domestication of sheep goats and cattle is known to be atabout the 11,000 to 12,000 year mark in the Zagros, so it’s entirely possible these people were the early Turkish farmers and not hunter gatherers.



circle jerks-backed up against a wall

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Death By Stereo - Wasted Words

Atsinna Pueblo

Atsinna Pueblo was constructed in about A.D. 1275 and was occupied until about A.D. 1350. There are about 875 rooms in the pueblo and, at its peak, Atsinna may have housed more than a thousand people. Both square and round kivas are present in the complex and show the influence of several different cultures during the life of the pueblo. No one knows for certain where the occupants went, but it is believed that the nearby present-day Zuni people are probably their direct descendants.

High on the ridge of El Morro the ancestors of the Zuni people built this 80 room pueblo between 1275-1400. Atsinna means "where pictures are on the rock", which would describe the ancient petroglyphs that can be found on El Morro.First excavated in 1954 by Richard Woodbury and Zuni workmen, this round kiva was one of 15 rooms uncovered.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Auntie Christ - Bad Trip

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Newest Addition.......

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

EGAN'S RATS / 'All the Angry Kids'

Indians of the Mesa Verde by Don Watson


Under the arching roof of a tremendous cave stands a silent,
empty city.

For almost seven centuries it has stood there looking out
across the canyon toward the setting sun. Proudly, almost
haughtily, it has resisted the heavy tread of thse slow centuries.
Like a giant with a shawl of everlasting stone pulled
closely about its shoulders it has stood with unbowed head,
an etenal monument to the intelligence and industry of its

The Ballad of Beer


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Titus Marcellous Wolf (The Ancient One)

Happy 13th Birthday Titus!

Thank you for your loyalty, companionship, your friendship and for always being there when no one else was......I love you , you mangy mutt..........

Confessions of a Barbarian: Selections from the Journals of Edward Abbey

"I celebrate the Earth, my home, my mother, my grave, and as long as men are Man they must, if they would preserve the integrated being, do the same -- [and preserve] with it the body -- this rank casual hungry smelly sweaty lusting transitory body, my oozy pulpy liquid-bag-swollen body, bones, blood, hair, glands, my bejeweled sex; I love and celebrate it all. Never to let men forget that they are animals as much as gods -- that is one thing I shall say."

Without courage, all other virtues are useless.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Verbal Abuse - VA Rocks Your Liver

Waterpocket Fold

The Waterpocket Fold, a 100-mile long wrinkle in the earth's crust known as a monocline, extends from nearby Thousand Lakes Mountain to the Colorado River (now Lake Powell). Capitol Reef National Park was established to protect this grand and colorful geologic feature, as well as the unique natural and cultural history found in the area.


BAD BRAINS - at the movies (live 1979)

Che Guevara: Hero or Murderer?

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” These are the words of Mahatma Gandhi.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” These are the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

Their names alone conjure up the images of leaders of history that invoked change through what they called “Peaceful Militancy.” However their words define what was on their hearts; words that moved others to action with a desired peaceful result. History attests to the fruitful results of such civilized methods of protesting injustice and corruption. These men are remembered well for it and may be considered heroes of history.

“Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!” These are the words of Ernesto Che Guevara wrote in his famous essay, and their effect is quite different than those of the former.

The Real Che Guevara


Sand Animation of Goethe's Erlking

Who's riding so late through th' endless wild?
The father 't is with his infant child;
He thinks the boy 's well off in his arm,
He grasps him tightly, he keeps him warm.

My son, say why are you hiding your face ?
Oh father, the Erlking 's coming apace,
The Erlking 's here with his train and crown!
My son, the fog moves up and down. -

Be good, my child, come, go with me!
I know nice games, will play them with thee,
And flowers thou 'It find near by where
I live, pretty dress my mother will give."

Dear father, oh father, and do you not hear
What th' Erlking whispers so close to my ear?
Be quiet, do be quiet, my son,
Through leaves the wind is rustling anon.

Do come, my darling, oh come with me!
Good care my daughters will take of thee,
My daughters will dance about thee in a ring,
Will rock thee to sleep and will prettily sing."

Dear father, oh father, and do you not see
The Erlking's daughters so near to me?
My son, my son, no one 's in our way,
The willows are looking unusually gray.

I love thee, thy beauty I covet and choose,
Be willing, my darling, or force I shall use!
"Dear father, oh father, he seizes my arm!
The Erlking, father, has done me harm.

The father shudders, he darts through the wild;
With agony fill him the groans of his child.
He reached his farm with fear and dread;
The infant son in his arms was dead.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Friday, February 5, 2010

THE FREEZE- I hate tourists

Brimstone Gulch

•Brimstone Gulch could be considered the ultimate slot canyon. Much of Brimstone is narrow with many spots that are less than a meter wide along its one-mile length. The bottom is fairly dim with curving walls that block out sunlight. To reach the mouth of Brimstone you need to down-climb over a large chokestone, which may be difficult for some people. The mouth of Brimstone is wide; you have to hike into it for about a half mile before it becomes a slot. As you hike up Brimstone it eventually becomes so narrow it is impassable. There are deep pot holes and high pour offs along the route. Don't attempt this one until you have some canyoneering experience.


One Way System - Stab the Judge - Give Us A Future

The Roman Army Knife

The world's first Swiss Army knife' has been revealed - made 1,800 years before its modern counterpart.
An intricately designed Roman implement, which dates back to 200AD, it is made from silver but has an iron blade.
It features a spoon, fork as well as a retractable spike, spatula and small tooth-pick.
